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Gabrielle Brinkman

/Gabrielle Brinkman

Gabrielle Brinkman

After graduating from George Fox University in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in Theatre and Illustration, Gabrielle moved back near her hometown in Astoria. She has thoroughly enjoyed teaching art and directing theater at Anchor Christian Academy for the past year. Having worked with kids of all ages since high school, it is continually a joy being able to serve them with her love for art and drama. 


Since college began, she has taken part in ten productions performing, directing, and designing shows varying from plays, musicals, audio shows, and devised pieces. Wanting to offer different perspectives and new techniques kids are not familiar with, she is eager to shine a light on the beauty of creating and storytelling. 


Gabrielle is honored to be a part of Kids Make Theatre and for the opportunity to witness and stir the creativity and growth of young learners.

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